Should I intest my home deposit

Should I invest my home deposit?

After another year of double digit growth, many first-time buyers have been left shaking their heads in disbelief. Even those looking to upgrade the family home are having to stretch their budgets further than ever. …

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What is equity and how can I use it to Invest

What is equity and how can I use it to invest?

Whether you’re looking to invest in property, renovate or pay off something big, borrowing against the equity in your home may be helpful, if you’re across the risks. The equity in your property can be …

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Should you use property to fund your retirement 1

Should you use property to fund your retirement?

Superannuation, shares, property, cash, other investments; a dizzying number of options are available when it comes to living comfortably through retirement. Financial advisers often promote a diversified portfolio to reduce the risk of concentrating ‘all …

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How does your pension live on after you die 1

How does your pension live on after you die?

Account-based pensions offer a flexible and tax-effective method of drawing a regular income stream from superannuation. They are an essential part of your overall retirement strategy and are usually used from retirement until death. But …

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economic update 1

Economic Update

Introduction Investors continued to focus on rampant inflation and, in turn, potential changes in monetary policy settings. By the end of January, five interest rate increases in the US had been priced in to markets; …

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